Part of the Noordeman System and Process on Crankshafts
All cranks need to be clean so not to contaminate our crack testing fluid, so if you crank isn’t spotless we may have to acid bath clean your crankshaft.
We measure all crankshaft main & big end journal, thrust areas and radius, then compare them to the manufacture specs to determine if your crankshaft needs grinding or just linishing.
We lectro magna flux crack test every crankshaft and we also check for hardness and straightness.
We inspect all crankshaft noses and key ways.
All oil seals are inspected for wear and advice on an appropriate course of repair.
Metal spraying is the best way to repair a crankshaft oil seal area sometimes a speedi sleeve may do the trick.
Your crankshaft is ground to manufactures specifications then linished and polished for a fine RA finish.
We don’t retention counter weight bolts the manual will advise if you need to check or replace.